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March 22, 2013

Well, Hello There New Friends...

Just look at all of these fabulous new faces!! Many of you are seeing my face pop up in your reader because you want to win the INSANE $1,000 shopping spree!  I can't WAIT to see who wins because I have the awesome job of sending that lucky winner all the gift cards.  I picture myself typing the email while speaking outloud in my best Ed McMahon sweepstakes voice.  If I could show up at the winner's doorstep with a video camera and balloons I would.  Come to think of it... I may have to do that virtually somehow... wheels are turning, wheels are turning...

Anyhow... in hopes that you may decide to stick 'round these parts I figured I should briefly introduce myself. 

My name is Mary Susan but I often go by my nickname Mae. (Or 'Mae Mae' as my little sister calls me.)

This is me last summer when I had blonde hair.  I now have red/brown hair.  It changes often, don't be confused.
I write about everything from being married to a musician, to crazy stories from my past, to my journey as an adoptive mama. And in honor of the fact that I'm a chronic-list maker AND a lover of random facts... (I was definitely the kid who memorized The Guiness Book of World Records each year...) I thought I could introduce myself with a compilation of 10 random facts about me...

Soooo, here we go:

1)  I’m married to a singer/songwriter We’ve been married for 8 years and we live with our two dogs and precious baby girl in a small cottage in Music City.

2) I’m 28… so if you just did the math, then you are correct, we got married shortly after exiting the womb. Getting married young may not be right for everyone but it was exactly right for us :) We had a 70's themed wedding and here we are at our reception.

Just kidding. We had a normal wedding. That's us at Halloween three years ago... Although now that I think about it, a 1970's wedding would have been fun... :)

Moving on...

3)  I used to teach middle school and loved it. I'm taking a break to be a new mama and pursue my doctorate in Education.  Working with middle school kids was a blast though and I hope to get back to it one day in the future.  

4) My husband and I became parents last year! Although we want to have biological kids later, we chose to adopt first and are now the proud parents of our precious baby girl, Abiella.  

5) Abi has some special needs including cerebral palsy and microcephaly. I LOVE talking about what miracle she is and the insane amount of joy she brings into our lives.  I have been SO blessed by the connections I've made with other moms of children with special needs via the internet. Wanna talk feeding tubes, standers, and physical therapy?  Come join the party.  Show me your blog and I'd love to follow your story.  I love sharing our experiences, gaining courage from others and advocating for kids all over the world who need homes. 

 Now onto some true… but less recent (or serious) facts…

6) I once cut my finger off at school, broke my arm riding a mule, and caught a 98 pound halibut all in the same 18 months.  It was an exciting time in a child’s life… oh, and don’t worry, the finger was sewn back on… 

7)  During this time I was also the proud owner of a pair of rabbit teeth… that lived in my mouth.

 Aren't you so jealous??

8) As a child, I had a pet zebra named Zelvis and a deer named Daisy. I'm serious. 

9) When I was 11, through some random strike of fate, I managed to find myself in a gospel video on BET. It was as glorious and random as it sounds. Go see for yourself. 

10) I was a dancer for 12 years and tap was my favorite. If you meet me in real life, ask about my triple time step. It comes out more often than it should. 

So there you go; we're better friends already :)  Now tell me a few things about yourself! I love meeting new bloggers!!   
Oh, and one more thing...

It's Friday!!!! Have a safe and happy weekend!!

mae mae


The Pink Growl said...

This post is great - I love it!

K said...

"We had a 70's themed wedding and here we are at our reception."

I almost choked on my water. You are hilarious.

chelsea said...

So awesome. I love reading random facts about people. It's gotta be pretty funny having your follow feeds blow up over this contest! I'll be sticking around tho regardless of the results (but I totally have all my fingers crossed!)

Amberly said...

I almost thought you were serious about the reception thing for a minute and I was going to worry ;)
I LOVE that you had a pet zebra and a deer, that is so weird but in an awesome way!
I definitely think that your random facts trump ANY that I have ever seen! Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!


Unknown said...

Hey lady! My name is Emily, but I usually go by Em or Emma. I am new here, and yes it was the giveaway that introduced me to your blog but so glad! This post was hilarious and made me laugh multiple times so I know I am going to enjoy following! I'm turning 27 one month from tomorrow and live in the northwoods of Michigan. I spend my free time working from home, blogging about my adventures, creating things for my new shop, collecting tattoos, and taking pretty photos! Nice to meet ya!
♥Emma Deer

Faith B said...

I loved this post. The random facts are amazing.
A pet deer AND a zebra? Amazing.
Also, I just watched your BET video debut.. equally as amazing, haha.

sara miller said...

Hello fellow Nashvillian :)

E said...

Loved this post Mae! :) Yep, I'm one of your followers that came to find you through the $1000 giveaway and I am loving your blog! I'll most definitely be sticking around! Loved getting to know a little more about you through this post!


Khristenas said...

I found you long before the giveaway...but you could totally knock on my door and play like Ed...I'd even invite ya in!

Denysia Yu said...

Wow you are an inspiration to us all! And I can't believe you had a zebra! :)

xx Denysia Yu

Brad & Rachel said...

Ha, this post just made me laugh out loud! Getting some weird looks at work. =)


Anonymous said...

I'm following your blog because of the giveaway and I'm glad I am! You're so funny! :)


Because of Jackie said...

Oh my gosh, you CUT YOUR FINGER OFF???? No way! You are so fun and cute and I loved reading this:)

Unknown said...

Wow, can fingers just be sewn back on? Like, no big deal?! Craziness!! Erm, how was said finger cut off?

Gypsy Tent Sisters said...

I loved that! I'm new to blogging although I've been reading blogs for years! I handmake and repurpose and I'm a in home behavioral therapist too! It's nice to meet you!

Michelle said...

Ok, I don't even know you personally...but seeing you on the zip-line in that video had me laughing so hard. (Don't worry...it's just because I'm jealous of course.) haha oh and by the way...your baby girl is ADORABLE. =)

Tamara said...

Hey! I found you through the giveaway! I have really enjoyed going back and about your adventures! We recently moved to TN and we love it here!


Wendy Annabeth said...

LOVE your blog! i'm a new GFC follower :)

P.S. I thought you might be interested in a giveaway i'm
hosting for My Spa Life. They are also giving away a free eye
strip sample if you like their facebook page!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oh my heavens! I LOVE your blog...and I feel so well acquainted already! I've come from Kelli's blog (^)...so glad to have popped by!!

Moriah Schairer said...

What kind of dance did you do?

Caroline Gant said...

oh my goodness. i love you already. NEW FOLLOWER. :)+

Emily B said...

So glad I cam across this post, you're hilarious! Love the blog :)


Cramer Coffee and Jesus said...

haha! I love this post! You seriously had me laughing the entire way through. Now THATS what I call a good blogger :) lol.

Jodi said...

Ah I would LOVE to have a pet zebra - how cool!!!! Deer not so much but a goat yes! Love goats.

I love that you share your story as an adoptive mother so openly. It will help raise so much awareness and hopefully help others see they can other special needs kids too! I was an adoption social worker for 5 years and it was awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via SheLearnsAsSheGoes and I love it! In fact, shortly after, I decided to start a blog of my own! I'd be honored if you checked it out! :) www.penniesothoughts.blogspot.com.

P.S. You're blogs are HILARIOUS! xD

Unknown said...

Hey, just started reading your blog! What a collection of facts... I'm not sure if I found it funnier that you had a 1970's theme wedding (until I found out that wasn't true) or that you had a pet zebra (once I found it that it was)! In any case, I love your blog. Also, your daughter is beautiful and sounds like such a joy! If you really are interested in connecting with the CP community (see fact #5), I definitely recommend checking out CP Family Network. Their facebook page in particular is a great way to link up with other families affected by CP, in good times and in bad. Anyway, keep up the blog - it's ton of fun to read!