It's no secret that I'm a fan of tattoos. I like them on men... women... children... just kidding. NOT on children. Unless that's part of their culture, in which case, carry on. But in all seriousness, tattoos are just kind of my
thing. I might stalk you in the grocery store, ask about the meaning of your tattoo, inquire about the artist, comment on the shading... I mean,
I'm a fan. (PAUSE: There are some really BAD tattoos out there. I grimace and cringe and feel my stomach tighten when I see one. Gosh- that must be a hard pill to swallow... I just always really hope THEY like it, and if they don't, that they magically convince themselves that it's awesome- or they get it fixed. But good grief- that's a lot of money/pain for some unfortunate art.)
All that to say, I have no tattoos.
But that doesn't stop me from oohing and awwing over others... Here are some I love.
Happy Monday Night Folks.