So, yes, we're moving! We have been talking about needing a larger space for some time, but once we made our minds up, our minds were made up. We flew into energizer-bunny-go-mode and haven't looked back since. It's been a whirlwind. I will be sad to leave (don't even get me started), but I am VERY excited. Are we staying in Nashville? Yep. Do we know where? No. Not yet. Does that make you nervous? Surprisingly, it doesn't make me nervous. Apparently, I like living on the edge, (and writing in the form of questions.)
Soooo, that's what I've been doing... How are you?
mae mae
PS: Don't forget about THIS giveaway! Do you want $1,000 to spend on you, your friends, your family, a stranger, or whomever your heart desires?? Enter to win! I want to give you those cards!!!