I saw this awesome link-up yesterday with Taylor & Brie & Ellen I thought it was
such a fun prompt I had to give it a shot… so here we go…
Always / Sometimes / Never
I ALWAYS look under my pillow at night to make sure there
are no spiders. I’ve done this since I was a kid. I’ve never found one but I
still do it every. Single. Time.
I SOMETIMES wear my hair down. But 90% of the time it’s pulled
into a bun on the top of my head, in a ponytail, or under a hat.
I NEVER curl my hair.
I can’t figure out how.
I ALWAYS have chips and salsa in the house.
I SOMETIMES eat chips and salsa for breakfast. (At least 3
days a week) … I’m eating them for breakfast right now actually.
I NEVER regret eating an entire bag of chips and an entire
jar of salsa in one sitting. For some odd reason in my mind it’s classified as “healthy.”
I ALWAYS put a million things in my cart when I’m shopping
and then one-by-one I put them all back until I’m left with a small handful of
things… my friends and family don’t find this annoying at all.
I SOMETIMES try things on in the store but more often than
not, I make a good guess and convince myself I can bring it back if it doesn’t
work. Dressing rooms are such a hassle.
I NEVER miss the days I used to work retail. Folding clothes and straightening hangers and
helping customers sign up for their new credit card… longest days of my life.
I ALWAYS listen to Top 40 when I’m in the car.
I SOMETIMES create entire pop videos in my mind where I’m
either the one singing OR one of the more noticeable back-up dancers.
I NEVER picture myself as a famous person being interviewed
by Barbara Walters… because that would be weird… and I wouldn’t admit it if I
did… so yeah, I never do that.
Now it's your turn!
Go link up here:
Thanks for the fun prompt guys!
PS- I was honored to be asked to be a part of This Rookie Wife's Passion Posts this week! You can go check that out HERE.