There's been a lot of talk lately in the blogosphere about whether or not blogs should do huge giveaways, or have sponsors, or make money, or blah, blah, blah. Here's my opinion: Bloggers can do whatever they want. As long as it doesn't hurt other people than what's the problem? If someone doesn't personally like a blogger's way of running their space, nobody is making them go there. There are blogs that I follow who do a lot of giveaways and make a lot of money... and I don't care in the slightest. If anything I'm excited for them! I go because their content is amazing and hey, if they give me a chance to win a bunch of cool stuff than I'll take it! If you blog and make money at it, than that's your own prerogative and quite honestly, I'm a little (okay a lot) inspired... Writing about your life and making some cash is no different than writing a memoir and selling a book. Does making money off your blog come with some responsibilities? Yeah, obviously. But if the blogger's content remains stellar than a sponsored post or a sidebar of paid advertisements doesn't bother me in the slightest.
I know bloggers whom I absolutely adore. I adore them as writers AND people. If they can find ways to make money using an avenue that they're passionate about...and use that money to make their dreams come true... maybe to work from home or invest in their family... than I'm happy for them. Really happy for them. And if that platform grows through advertising (just like any other business), and that advertising is done through giveaways or sponsorships, etc. etc.-than that makes sense to me. Over a year and a half ago, I found my favorite blog through a huge giveaway. Am I a loyal reader now? YES. Was I introduced through a large giveaway? YES. Am I mad about that? NO. I'm thankful!! Do I consider myself a bought follower?? Absolutely not. I was introduced to her space through the giveaway and then had a choice to stay or leave. I stayed. Gladly. Had she not had that large giveaway I may not have found an incredible space that I read everyday and enjoy so much. As a reader, I'm not offended. But if you really want to know what I think about it... go to this amazing post. It's perfection.